Self-Promotion Department: Technologizer Wins an Award

By  |  Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 10:23 pm

I attended the Western Publishing Association’s 60th annual Maggie awards last night in Los Angeles. Technologizer was a finalist in three categories, and I’m delighted to report that we were also a winner–“Fanboy! The Strange True Story of the Tech World’s Favorite Put-Down,” which I wrote last May, was honored as the best Web or digital article/consumer. (The other two categories that we were finalists for were won by exceptional contenders: Mother Jones for best Web or digital publication blog and Chow for best Web publication/consumer.)

Here’s a full list of winners. As I said in my fifteen-second acceptance speech, I wrote the story mostly to please myself, but I’m sure glad that the Maggie judges liked it, too…



6 Comments For This Post

  1. @ymala1 Says:

    Dude, I thought the story rocked too, it's definitely not just the judges. Those articles are the best things about Technologizer, and it totally makes my day every time I load the page and see a new one of them. 🙂

  2. @ymala1 Says:

    Hey, BTW, you should totally have one of those winner badges put on your fanboy article. Like they have those editor's choice badges on packaging for winning products, or on the covers of some prize winning books.

  3. drew Says:

    Congratulations! Now others will know what we already know; this is a wonderful site with great writing and insights.

  4. Harry McCracken Says:


  5. Richard Davey Says:


  6. The_Heraclitus Says:

    Congrats Harry! You deserve that and much more.