What Technologizer Readers Dreamed of This Year

By  |  Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 7:58 am

whaddaya1What tech-related stuff would you like to receive this holiday season? Earlier this month, we posed that question to the Technologizer community, and were deluged with nominations. We hope that some of you actually got the items you were dreaming of–and we’ve compiled a slideshow of some of the products that folks mentioned, with comments from the community members who nominated them. It’s a diverse and interesting list, with at least one or two products that I’m 100% positive aren’t in any other Web site’s gift guide for 2008.

View Whaddaya Want slideshow



3 Comments For This Post

  1. Relyt Says:

    Who won the XO laptop?

    Interesting list too, btw!!

  2. Harry McCracken Says:

    Thanks! Josh Rose (Whose comments on the Kindle) won the XO.


  3. Relyt Says:

    Congrats Josh!