MobileMe’s Harshest Critic: Steve Jobs?

By  |  Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 8:23 am

It’s a little eerie to hear Steve Jobs say that an Apple product is anything less than incredible. But he’s apparently giving the troublesome MobileMe a dose of tough love. This and other news after the jump.

MobileMea Culpa
Ars Technica’s Infinite Loop is quoting from what it says is an Apple internal e-mail in which Steve Jobs says that the buggy MobileMe synching service is “not up to Apple’s usual standards” and that it was launched too early: “The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year.” That’s encouraging, I guess, although anyone who’s paying $99 a year for MobileMe may not want to wait another few months until it works like it’s supposed to. (The Apple site touts its wonders and mentions no problems.) Suggestion: Why not put MobileMe into a retroactive beta and suspend user charges until Apple–and, more important, Apple customers–are happy with it?
Read more at: Infinite Loop

Americans Finally Get Their In-Flight Wi-Fi
A couple of years ago, I took one of the last flights with Boeing’s Connexion in-flight broadband service, and it was a positively emotional experience. Back when Connexion existed, American carriers were too cash-strapped to even think about installing it, but Delta has announced that it will use Aircell’s Gogo service to bring broadband to its entire domestic fleet by the Summer of 2009. Fees will range from $10 to $13, and I can’t wait–for once, it’s good news that an airline wants to charge me for something.
Read more at: Gizmodo, DSLreports

Microsoft Shares Its Vulnerabilities
At the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft is announcing that it’s going to start telling security software companies about vulnerabilities in Microsoft products ahead of when it releases fixes on “Patch Tuesdays,” in the interest of giving these companies a head start on updating their software to protect against the latest threats. It’s a gutsy move and probably a good idea–even though it opens up the possibility of a rogue employee at one of the companies involved learning about vulnerabilities before Microsoft or anyone else has informed PC users that they exist, let alone released patches to seal them up.
Read more at: ZDNet, PC World

A Furore for Aurora
Web design firm Adaptive Path, working with Mozilla, has released the first of a series of videos about Aurora, a concept interface for next-generation Web browsing. Aurora is bursting at the seams with ideas–some instantly appealing, some intriguing, and some confusing and/or seemingly over-complex. Adaptive Path has no plans to attempt to make it a reality, but it’s nice to see something think about browser tools beyond forward and backward buttons, an address bar, and bookmarks.
Read more at: TechCrunch, Ryan Stewart

It’s BlackBerry! It’s Bold! Its Only Available in Chile!
RIM’s slick BlackBerry Bold looks to be the year’s second-most interesting phone after you-know-what–and if you’re the type who wants a physical keyboard, it’s probably the most interesting phone, period. There are rumors that its U.S. release on AT&T has been delayed until next month, but Engadget Mobile is reporting that the phone is available now in Chile. Wonder if anyone will try to import ’em?
Read more at: Engadget Mobile
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