Tough Love for HP

By  |  Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Looks like David Churbuck didn’t know that Meg Whitman would replace Leo Apotheker as president and CEO of HP when he wrote about the company’s future–but his assessment and advice, while super-bleak and perhaps a bit ahead of the game as it stands (he says the iPad has already beat the PC), is smart and worth your time.

One fascinating tidbit:

Printers are the last mechanical appendage. Think about it. Once hard disks stopped spinning and went solid state, the last thing with a motor is the printer. Printers are a means to an end, not a future.


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2 Comments For This Post

  1. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    Once you have an iPad, a printer is a fax machine. You need it 2 times a year when you deal with some kind of legal paperwork.

  2. GJR Says:

    And scanners, their logical counterpart…

    I have still yet to find a screen that is as readable as a piece of printed paper and as able to have annotations written on it.