Tag Archives | Gnomedex

Gnomedex: A Gathering of True Geeks

I just got back from Seattle where I attended Gnomedex, reporting and shooting video interviews for Dice and Dice News. For those of you who haven’t been, Gnomedex is the brainchild of Chris Pirillo, the guy who started Lockergnome and who was the host of Call for Help on TechTV. It’s an annual tech conference that has no agenda, yet speaks to upcoming trends in technology and the Internet. Attendees purchase $300 tickets even though they don’t know what they’re going to see. Once Pirillo books the event, a theme eventually emerges. This year’s theme spoke to the power of the individual to create and affect change. There were speakers who made their own fan film, one who built censorship-evading software (Austin Heap), and a couple building a sustainable tech-enabled home in the country.

For my complete summary of the event, check out my article “The Cool and Not-Co-Cool from Gnomedex.”

And to give you an idea the geek cred that attends the conference, here’s a video of attendees and presenters answering the question, “What makes you a true geek?”

For more of my video coverage from Gnomedex, check out the YouTube videos on DiceNews and DiceOutLoud.

(Photo of Chris Pirillo: Derek K. Miller.)