Tag Archives | Engadget

Fusion Garage: Not Dead. Also, Not Selling Products

Fusion Garage, the strange company behind the JooJoo and Grid 10 tablets, is still in business. But once again, it’s in trouble. From an Engadget interview with its founder, the never-boring Chandra Rathakrishnan:

Is it possible to buy a device right now? Can I go on the website and buy a Grid 10?

No. We’ve stopped selling the device at the moment. We think that until we resolve the future of the company, it’s not fair to continue selling it. Until this situation with the existing customers has been resolved satisfactorily from their point of view, and until the future of the company is decided one way or the other, I do not think it’s fair to continue selling the device.

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Enter the Notbook

Here’s a nice piece from Engadget’s Joanna Stern on a class of portable PC–roomier and more powerful than a netbook, but compact and minimalist compared to traditional notebooks–which she calls notbooks. I like ’em myself–and despite the “not” in her nickname, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them become the dominant form of laptop over the next couple of years.


Engadget on the Vizio Phone

I’m not a huge fan of any of the third-party skins that phone companies slap on top of Android, such as HTC’s Sense and Samsung’s TouchWiz–they usually make things different rather than better. But Engadget’s Josh Topolsky is surprisingly enthusiastic about the modified version of Android on the first phone from cheap-TV kingpin Vizio–he says it’s in a league with Apple’s iOS and HP/Palm’s WebOS, which is the highest imaginable priase.

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Darren Murph, Record-Setting Blogger

I’m not sure how many blog posts I’ve written–or how many discrete items of prose counting magazine articles, book chapters, and other random stuff. But I’m quite positive the total count would be far less than 17,212, the number that got Engadget’s Darren Murph into the Guinness Book of World Records. (I assume that speedbloggers such as Instapundit have blogged even more, but Murph’s award says it’s for “contracted” blog posts–which I suppose means items that he received individual payment for.)