Needed: Tweetie for Android

By  |  Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 5:47 pm

I’m still at Twitter’s Chirp conference, where Cofounder Ev Williams told a questioner In the audience that there will be an official Twitter client for phones based on Google’s Android operating system. He wouldn’t say if the company I’d building a new or will acquire an existing app. But he said they’d hoped to have been ready to announce the details at Chirp but fell short, so I assume it’s not too far off.

And I know what I think Twitter should do: it should bring Tweetie–er, Twitter for iPhone–to Android. The application which Twitter bought last week has just about everything about doing Twitter on a phone figured out perfectly. Why build or buy something else for Android that almost certainly wouldn’t be nearly as good? Shouldn’t the mobile Twitter experience be consistent across all phone platforms?

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1 Comments For This Post

  1. Hamranhansenhansen Says:

    > Why build or buy something else for Android that almost
    > certainly wouldn’t be nearly as good? [as Tweetie for iPhone]

    Because Android apps are written in Java, and iPhone apps are written in C.