By Harry McCracken | Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 12:43 am
In a move that somehow seems simultaneously inevitable and unnecessary, Microsoft has released a line of T-shirts–which, of course, it’s calling Softwear. They feature 1980s-era graphics with the old-school Microsoft logo which nobody has given any thought to in the past 15 years, were designed in collaboration with rapper Common, and show up in stores on December 15th. (No word yet on whether Microsoft will patch ’em for you if they’re discovered to have any holes.) In celebration of this milestone for American casualwear, we’ve assembled a slideshow of the shirts.
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June 19th, 2009 at 3:43 pm
[…] about as well thought out as Microsoft’s attempt at making dorkiness fashionable through its own line of clothing introduced last […]